task description: this is my animation i have to draw one thing your passionate about, a painting of an famous artist and a photo of your family , i drew a tree because I love going underneath them for the fresh air and shade, i choose the scream because we learnt about him and i know how he draws he shows his emotions when he draws. my last one is just a photo of my family because i love them
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Art alive work #2
Task description:This piece of art i had made with cold/warm colour this art is expressing the passionate felling e.g when you are having so much fun and you never want it to end.
Monday, 30 November 2020
art colouring book- christ the redeemer
Task description: this is my other one its is christ the redeemer my one is the one in grey and the other side is the real one
Art colouring book- under the wave off kanagawa
Task description: this is my wave we had to change the detail of the wave it was really hard because it had to much detail my one is the one in green on the other side that is the real one.
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
colour wheel
Task description: Yesterday our class learnt about primary and secondary colours. We also learnt that artists used colour to show certain emotions in their artwork. The first artist to do this was Edvard Munch. Then we created our own stencils and painted our pieces to put them together. This is my colour wheel. I hope you like it!
I went for a slow jog.
I couldn’t see through the fog
I left the fog at 12’ o'clock.
As I came back I walked the dock.
As i walked i was in shock
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Kiwi kids news
Term description:this is my my others ones i have learnt that a small little tiny diamond was cost for $38.1 million from an unknown buyer who was probably a millionaire, I also learned that wild goats has raided welsh town because they want to explore the town so that they can understand
Kiwi kids news reading
Task description: this is what i have learnt this week about ironclads and that Argentina beats all blacks which was really surprising it was also there first time winning against the all blacks.
Monday, 16 November 2020
rolling dice
task description: this is my rolling dice we had to roll dice 24 times i got 7 doubles out of tbe 24 rolls we then had to answer the question and put it on our blog.
Friday, 13 November 2020
Pop art create
task description: today we had to do pop art. first we had yellow, orange, blue, green, red, white and black i choose a button we then had to cut the paper so that we can make different colors with paper here is what i made.
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Task description: this is my art work it is the scream we had to recreate the scream with pastels here is what my the scream looks like.
Monday, 9 November 2020
Task description: today we did probability we had to be panthers i was panthers with aaliah we had to make a box and put six blocks in the box and two different colors we had to then swap it with another panther and we had to pick out a block 8 times and then we had to do problems.
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Finding nouns
task description: this is my finding nouns the ones that are highlighted are nouns and the ones that aren't nouns
Monday, 19 October 2020
Niue facts
Task description: this is facts about niue hope you like
Friday, 16 October 2020
Immersion Assembly
On a Monday morning we had immersion assembly we went into our lines and sat on the chairs the first team was team 1 they were dressed up as famous paintings with there own objects, it was really amazing because they were being creative,
Next was team 5 looking at stuff at the museum. They were detailing everything at the museum some people could talk and some didn't. It was really cool.`
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Line Graph
Task description: this is my line graph task about graphs once we finished the task, we had to do a create task about our own line graph, my one was about seasons instead of items which is amazing.
Line graph
Task description: We were looking at a line graph and we had to have 3 to 6 facts, about this line graph, here is what I talked about.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
plastic fantastic create
Task description:This is my create task about plastic we have to look after the ocean to keep the water fresh for marine animals to breathe properly.
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Tonga sports
Task description: we learnt about Tonga sports or facts about Tonga sports the first one i watched was really funny here was the two facts i learnt about Tonga sports
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
task description: this is my one of history its about coconut water turning into food and i was really amazed because i didn't know they can do that. Here is my info about history.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Telling time
Task description: this is my telling time task it is a different one, we first had to do 4 clocks we had to do the written from and the digital. Then we had to fill in the gap it was hard, until I asked my siblings after that I got the hang of it, it was really easy after that because I learnt something, after that we did a create task.
Telling time
Task description: this is my telling time activity, we had to list 5 things i have learnt about telling time, after that we had to make hands and put it in the correct time, after that I had to create 10 different telling time, with different times on each slide.
reading scales
Task description: this is my reading scale task it took a very long time because I was struggling with some parts but i finished it, after that I did my create task we had to draw a measuring jug, thermometer and a mechanical scale. we had to explain reason what it is and what it is used for.
Monday, 10 August 2020
step up program
last week while the year 8 went to camp we had a year 7 step up program on Thursday when I came back to school I went to Mrs Moala room which was murder mystery the year 8 had to help the year 7 for hints, it was really hard after that, we did another one and it was really loud but we got 800 points at the end.
Once we finished Mrs Moala murder mystery we went to the next rotation, which was Whaea Kelly in her class we learnt how to draw we had to draw on a piece of paper any shape and cut it out, after that we had to think of something I said "be positive" then we had to color it in for detail I did rainbow. then we had 5 more minutes so I was talking with my friends.
Caption recollection
today we went into the street and we got to hear about the year 7 and 8 leadership or step up, the year 7 got to talk first here are what the year 7:
- they came out of there confront zone
- that learnt how to be a good leader
- they helped each other out
- they were shy before but they became confident after
- the team worked together
- they became more loud
- they worked together as a team
- they encourage each other to have turns
- they never left each other out
- they are confident when they went to camp
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Imersion assembly
Tittle: Immersion
Assembly It was the first day of school the whole school went to the hall for assembly at 9:00. We had an Immersion Assembly. The first thing we did was sing a waiata. After that we had each team go up on stage for their movie. Our focus for this term is a world of difference. My favorite part was term 4 because they learnt what different food they were eating in different countries. It was very surprising because I didn't know all those foods were from different continents. I enjoyed watching them because it was very entertaining and had different ideas for movies, like amazing race, or a myth movie that was really cool, after that we went back to our normal assembly.
Assembly It was the first day of school the whole school went to the hall for assembly at 9:00. We had an Immersion Assembly. The first thing we did was sing a waiata. After that we had each team go up on stage for their movie. Our focus for this term is a world of difference. My favorite part was term 4 because they learnt what different food they were eating in different countries. It was very surprising because I didn't know all those foods were from different continents. I enjoyed watching them because it was very entertaining and had different ideas for movies, like amazing race, or a myth movie that was really cool, after that we went back to our normal assembly.
Create task
Task description: this is my create task of a piece of paradise I had to talk about what it should look like and other stuff here is my drawing of what it would look like if rain and sun god was working together instead of being separate.
A piece of paradise
Task description: we are learning about plants, first we had to answer some questions next we did what it looks like if it has no water or sun, after that we had to answer more question and create task it was really fun do to.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
understanding decimals
Task description: I learnt about decimals and other ways for decimals we had to explain what decimals are then we had to answer some question it was really easy because I know my decimals.
Triangle time
Task description: this is what I did in math today we had to make a hexagon out of triangles also match them with the right time. Today I learnt what military and standard time was they are both different, I need to work on nothing because im a good girl.
Friday, 24 July 2020
My Myth Passport
Task description: this is My Myth Passport we had to rotate classes and learn new stuff of the world when we were in different classes it was really tiring because, we had to keep typing.
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Dragon's eye
Task description: We are learning about the dragon's eye they say that whoever goes in the dragons lake will be a couple forever. its was really cool that we got to draw the dragon's eye. here is what my poster of dragons eye lake Croatian myth.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Task description: we were learning about Cambodia it is really crazy that they don't have a McDonald in Cambodia which is weird hopefully they will get one, also that its the only flag featuring a building which is really amazing, It was really fun to do because I got to see all the facts there was and i was really amazed
Myth of lighting, Thunder and Rain
Task description:we are learning about the myth of Lighting, Thunder and Rain the first thing we had to do was do the type of gods, there collection methods and their gifts after that we had to finish off of what happened after they got there gifts it was really fun to do because, we got to watch a video about it, but that video was really cool to watch
Greek Mythology
Task description: we are learning about Greek Mythology we had to do a story of Hermes and we had to do it in order after that we had to pick a god and write about them I picked Hercules it was really fun to do.
The myth of Herme

Task description: we are learning about Greek mythology it is about the myth of Hermes it is about a baby named Hermes he was just got birth and he was able to walk, talk and other things he was the first one to make a fire out of sticks he cooked the cow and ate it, when he came home he pretended to go sleep but her mother already knew that he was fake sleeping, it was a amazing story and I really had fun reading the story.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Task description: we are learning about the blue mountain and the blue mountain coffee we had to listen to a song or a video on each slide and we had to answer them on each slide or talk about it likes facts.
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Blog Archive
Task description: this is how many blog post I have blogged, which I am really proud of myself, I could do more but my hands are really tired of working really hard, I really like blogging but Not adding task description because they take a longer time then usual. But I am really happy Because I was trying really hard. Here if you wanna see my blog you are more than welcomed
Task description: this term we are learning about vocabulary, we had to do the word the meaning and the sentence so like for example: you have a word and you do the meaning of the word, after that you have to make a sentence of the word.
Did this happen?
Task description: this term we are learning about did this happen? it is a old New Zealand volcano it is called taranaki, Which is a maori name and this volcano is really special for maori people when clouds go over taranaki it is crying. Here is what my answers are.
Main Ideas
Task description: this term we are learning to identify the main ideas in this text, so we had to watch a video about how maui slowed down the sun, We then had to put our important, very important and vital ideas on this task. Here is my result for my Main ideas.
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Venn Diagram
Task description: this is what I thought about the video version and the written version I really liked both of then but the first one because he tells the story by drawing on the table with sand with a light showing it was really cool and really detailed
Task description: This term we are learning about myths and legends, here are the 20 important, the Most important and here is what I did for using all of my 6 MOST important words, it was pretty easy but pretty hard to pick which ones where important, it was really fun though. Here is my work that I done which was really fun to do.
Ta mokos
Task description: this is my create task about ta moko's what I have learnt about the book is that some people have special abilities and some people don't, even so everyone is special. The book I was reading was the seeing hawk, which is a really good book to read especially for maori people. Here if you want to know more about ta moko's you came to the right place.
Thanks for reading please leave a positive comment.
The seeing hawk
Task description: this term we are learning about the seeing hawk it is about an old koro from ancient times they say that he is like a hawk because they first breath he took there was a hawk circling him if you wanna know more you are more welcomed to read my task. here is my task it was really fun to do because, I like drawing I did my kite which is not like an artist but I had fun.a
Task description: this term we are learning about decimals, these new training students gave us some work to do and this is the other task that we had to do of course there are heaps of mistakes, but its alright because you got next time, you always have to check before you do it, Anyways it was really fun because we had to sort them out. But my hands hurt really bad because I had to make them smaller and kept on pressing the click button. Here is what I did from the training students.
thanks for watching please leave a positive comment.
Add decimals
Term description: we had to do some work from these new training teachers, they got heaps of things wrong but its okay because you always got next time. It was pretty hard tho because the numbers were to high. I really had fun tho here is my work.
Cube Video
Today me and Quincess did a video of what we did in math and what we were making. Today me and Quincess Made a cube out of Paper,Tape,Scissors,ruler,and pencil. When we finished making the cube we had to make a video of what we did and what we did. So thats what we did in math.
Ordering Decimals
Task description: this term we are learning about ordering decimals, we had to sort them out, lowest to highest, here is my go, I think i did really well because I really tried my best.
Understanding Decimals.
Task description: this term we are learning to understand decimals. Like a decimat, we had to watch a video to know what you were gonna do 11 slides which are my hands are really tired because of working so hard.
Reading scales
Task description: This term we are learning about reading scales, it was really hard to do, because we had to use our brain, also we had to figure out what is what, after that I did a create task im going to post it, and that's what we are learning about today.
Room 1 and 5 played a game called ki-o-rahi. It is a game where there were two teams they were called
taniwha and kioma. The first thing we did was get our belts and put the tags on, we then split into groups
with room 5. After that team 1 was on the basketball court and team 2 went to the netball court, we then
started to play the game. We were in kioma and the other team was in taniwha, the first round was pretty
fun, after that we then switched places so that we were taniwha and they were kioma. It was hard until
the year 8 boys left then every started to go sweaty, When the year 8 boys left we won that round, But
we had to end it to go to the netball court, and that's when we lost because we weren’t doing anything, it
was really fun because we got to experiment how to play ki-o-rahi.
Matariki create
Task description: this term we were learning about matariki we read a book and we had to answer the questions, we then did a video about matariki and we had some bloopers which took for a very long time as you can see.
Isometric name
Task description: this term we were drawing our name on a dot by dot paper, it was really hard because it was isometric, isometric is really hard that's why. After that you have to put it on a paper, then write over the line with the vivid.
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Water Cycle Animation.
Task description: this term we've been learning about the water cycle and how it works, there was 2 topics which were the volcano and water cycle. It took me a long time but I finished it before the holidays, Hope you enjoy please leave a positive comment.
Monday, 29 June 2020
Task description: this was our reading task about Ki-o-rahi and these are the question that we have to answer the first one my question is that, there are 2 teams Kioma and taniwha, there was also 8 positions. it is important because it brings people together. is that we need to have fun for whatever you are doing in the game.
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
writing Decimals
Task description: We can remember our decimals, some student teachers introduces themselves and we were told to do this writing decimals.
Matariki Knowledge Building
Task description: Today for reading we learnt about Matariki, first we read the book. After that we write on here and it says what i already know. what i knew and what i learnt. here is my reading task for this week.
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Introduction to decimals.
Task description: this is my introduction to decimals, we just had to found what a decimal is or how do you convert decimals into a fraction? it was really difficult.
Cockle bay
Task description: we had to read an article and watch a video about cockle bay if you are welcomed to read the article if you want to know more about cockles, here is what i think about cockle bay, if you wanna see my poster its on another blog post.
cockle bay,
create task,
Mrs moala,
room 1,
week 10
save the cockles
TASK DESCRIPTION: we have to save the cockles for the food cycle and the birds, but if you really need them for something then you can have it, some people save cockles but some people eat them but people need seafood in there life. If 10,000 come at one time, how would you be able for the cockles to regenerate.
Multiply and divide integers
Task description: this term we have been learning about multiply not adding, but this one was easy I really had fun as well. Because you had to do a create task and you gotta answer every question which does take some time.
Adding Integers
Task description: we are learn to add integers on a number, the negative ones, it was pretty had because I didn't know what i was doing until I asked Mrs Moala, but it was really fun,
Monday, 15 June 2020
Isolation experience.
in our isolation was really boring because it sucked staying inside the house and not going for outside walks but we had to stay in our bubble. But we just cleaned and cleaned which was really boring, sometimes we went for walks to our papas house and chill there for sometime, then we come home and have lunch that was our daily routine now which is exhausted but at least our family got to spent time together, but I really missed my friends that go to school I was very excited when they said we are on level one.
Task description: this is what my experience about covid-19 it was really boring and really exhausted but i had so much fun and heaps of time to sleep when i had free time.
Task description: this is what my experience about covid-19 it was really boring and really exhausted but i had so much fun and heaps of time to sleep when i had free time.
Estuary health check.
Task description: we had to do a reading task about cockles we had to look after there environment so that the pie stilt which are birds who eat cockles and other sea animals like pipi, limpets and crabs, people go there every three years there are different people who do it here is what i think about cockles and why.
Friday, 12 June 2020
We just had assembly like a normal Friday but we were told that Mr Burt was honoured by the
queen of England which was really surprising, the first thing the prefects did was a katarkia and a pray
for Mr Burt teaching us since year one, we then had to sing a waiata for Mr Burt, after that we had the
school sing ka waiata, we then did the year 7 & 8 boys did a haka, after that we continued the
queen of England which was really surprising, the first thing the prefects did was a katarkia and a pray
for Mr Burt teaching us since year one, we then had to sing a waiata for Mr Burt, after that we had the
school sing ka waiata, we then did the year 7 & 8 boys did a haka, after that we continued the
The thing that I liked about assembly was that we all contributed together and we tried our best to sing.
It was a really cool experience of assembly because he was honoured from the queen of England on
her birthday.
It was a really cool experience of assembly because he was honoured from the queen of England on
her birthday.
Task Description: we had talked about how Mr Burt was honoured by the queen of England on her
birthday, It was an exciting assembly to be at, we did loads of singing for Mr Burt.
birthday, It was an exciting assembly to be at, we did loads of singing for Mr Burt.
What is the biosphere
we got to do another sphere called biosphere this is how the animals are alive and well. but we need the other three for the animals to be alive, here is what i know about the biosphere, and here is what biome i picked which was the coral reef.
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
3D shapes

6 faces 0 faces
12 verticals 12 verticals
8 edges 8 edges

1 faces
0 verticals
0 edges
3 faces
0 verticals
2 edges
Task description: we are learning about 3D shapes you can find 3D shapes around this world even some buildings have there own 3D shapes, it was really easy, but I really had fun, Because we had to guess and answer.
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Properites of Shapes
Task description: this term we have been learning about Properties of Shapes, we are focusing on identity the properties of shapes on a dot grind paper, It was really hard to do, Because we had to guess what the name was. The 2 slides were easy but when it went to the end it was difficult.
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Identifying Shapes
Task description: we are learning about Identifying shapes, it was really hard and really difficult to sort out, Because you had to watch the video then do the answers. Sometimes you forgot it that's why it was really hard. Also we had to answer a lot of questions.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
6 fun facts about my dad
theses are my 6 facts about my dad I had help with my family it was really fun to do this but I didn't do a video because I dont like showing my face, also I couldn't find a photo of my dad he didn't want to take a photo of himself. Im pretty sure you teachers know him so yeah. These are my 6 facts about my dad.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
The Hydrosphere
Task description: this is hydrosphere instead of geosphere this is where all the water came from when you look on goggle earth if you see the blue stuff that's all the water like ocean. sea, lakes and others if you wanna learn about hydrosphere click on that video and it will tell you all about it
Pompeii and Herculaneum
Task description: this is an old story about pompeii it was destroyed a long time ago and we have read about it today I had heaps of ideas and question. here is our reading about volcanoes it was a sad book to read but it was really true of what happened hope you like it.
Pompeii post
Task description: this is my facts about Pompeii it is really sad but It happened a really long time ago till this day it still remains in our hearts
Task description: this is my vocabulary of what the meaning of all these words mean it took a while but i finally did it my mum helped me with some stuff.
Name symmetry
Task Description: this is my name in Symmetry I done it by myself which was really easy. It took some time because I didn't really know what I was doing until I reached it up on goggle then it was pretty easy for me to figure it out and what to do.
Monday, 11 May 2020
Reflections and lines of Symmetry
Task description: we had to do symmetry its like when you go in a mirror and it reflects your face. so this is what Symmetry is with lines in the middle and reflects the other side.
Friday, 8 May 2020
Scavenger Hunt
Task description: room 1 did a scavenger hunt it was really hard to find different stuff I only looked inside cause I was to lazy to go outside I tried really hard and I think I did it, Next time i'll try look everywhere instead of asking my parents.
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Task description: this is my create task about earthquakes some earthquakes are so bad like cracks on the floor and flying rocks it was really cool researching about earthquakes |
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Tectonic plates
Task description: this we where learning about was tectonic plate also what is an volcanoes and a earthquake. we had to reason of a earthquake and a volcano it was really hard because it was loud at home so I couldn't hear.
Friday, 1 May 2020
Comprehension Q's
Task description:this is the reading we learnt it is about ANZAC day it was very emotional to know cause of all the people who had passed away for trying to save us and we do research about this stuff we are very thankful for this cause they have all tired there best it was the best reading I've ever read.
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