
Thursday 22 November 2018

Cave Art Animation

Hi my name is Punairu and this is my cave art animation. Long long ago in America this art was painted on a cave wall. People drew art on the cave walls to tell a story. Here is my story. Thousands of years ago tigers used to roam around the place. People were scared of them. This tiger walked into a cave and inside the cave there were snowflakes, rocks and crystals. The tiger continued to walk around and came to a mountain with snow on top it was rainy so he walked and came to a save place which was very hot.He then found another cave and he walked inside it he saw some more crystals and rocks with iceberg. Then he came along with two warriors ready to fight.the tiger came across with the two warriors when they got close the little warrior said now and he throw the spear at the tiger there was blood dripping he got very angry and he ate both of them.that why they put this drawing on to remember it. I hope you enjoyed

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